Thursday, August 25, 2016

All Done...Now Wipe

Yep.  It's done.  I finished it last night; A Tale of Two Shitties, the newest book in The Adventures of Big Al series.  It was a labor of love from start to finish.  If you believe that crap I'll tell ya a whole lot more.  I like it and I hope that you will too.  So now off it goes to the editor.  I'm hoping to get the cover art going in the next few weeks.  If all goes well, maybe you'll see it up on Amazon later this fall.

In the mean time, check out Poop Is Good and World War Poo.  They're both a great read while you're sitting on the shitter.  Get off my blog and go check 'em out right now! Go!!!!

Monday, August 22, 2016

On Sale Now!!!!

Get over to right now to get World War Poo for just 99 cents!!!!  The offer lasts until August 27th.  Save yourself a few bucks and enjoy some down home good honest genuine reading pleasure.  You won't regret it!  Click on the link:  World War Poo

More Crap Than You Know What To Do With

Autumn will soon be upon us.  Leaves will be changing color, a slight chill will be carried in the air, and (if all goes well) more shit will happen.  That's right, boys and girls, the next installment of the Adventures of Big Al will hopefully be released.  After World War Poo, what's next for our favorite Shitz?  You'll have to read A Tale of Two Shitties to find out.  Watch this very little ol' blog for more information on when the book will be released.

If you don't see this logo, then it doesn't mean shit!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Crapped Out

Spent the weekend in Vegas doing what people do in Vegas.  What the hell does that mean you ask.... lose money!  Busted, broke, penniless...pick one and it applies.  Had some fun, but it was time to come home and resume work on my new book:  Tale of Two Shitties.  I'm hoping to have it up on by the fall.  In the mean time, how's about you loyal readers out there go on Amazon and check out Poop Is Good and World War Poo.  This down on his luck author could really use some funds right now.  Do me a solid and buy them today!